[SciPy-User] Trying hand-writing recognition with scikits.learn

Klonuo Umom klonuo at gmail.com
Mon May 9 07:46:45 EDT 2011

> I won't reply to the detailed points of message. If you feel that
> specific issues must be addressed, feel free to point them out
> (preferably on the scikits.learn mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/scikit-learn-general). We
> will do our best to integrate your feedback. However keep in mind that
> what you are trying to do is actually a challenging task and the subject
> of ongoing research. There will be a learning curve. The scikits.learn is
> trying to do explain as much as possible machine learning to non
> specialists, but it a full-blown scientific field. You will not be able
> to have a functioning hand-written digits pipeline without investing time
> in it. I wouldn't be able to solve that problem quickly either.

Hi Gael :)
thank you for your patient reply.

I suspect it's very advanced topic, and not sure if I'll gain anything, 
but at least I'll know how far I am from it. 

If you could point to some source how 'digits.csv.gz' was distilled from 
data, or some similar example, I could probably start wondering around 
and maybe ask smarter questions at scikits.learn mailing list 

I tried to look from other side, like 'reusing of existing data from 
http://mlcomp.org', but I can't find my common denominator with their 
provided datasets. 

Best wishes,

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