[SciPy-User] variable smoothing kernel

Nicolau Werneck nwerneck at gmail.com
Sat Mar 26 21:09:34 EDT 2011

If I understand correctly, you want a filter that varies on "time".
This non-linearity will cause it to be inherently more complicated to
calculate than a normal linear time-invariant filter.

I second Christopher's suggestion, try Cython out, it's great for this
kind of thing. Or perhaps scipy.weave.


On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 9:52 AM, Wolfgang Kerzendorf
<wkerzendorf at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm interested in having a gaussian smoothing where the kernel depends
> (linearly in this case) on the index where it is operating on. I
> implemented it myself (badly probably) and it takes for ever, compared
> to the gaussian smoothing with a fixed kernel in ndimage.
> I could interpolate the array to be smoothed onto a log space and not
> change the kernel, but that is complicated and I'd rather avoid it.
> Is there a good way of doing that?
> Cheers
>     Wolfgang
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