[SciPy-User] Scipy.spatial.Delaunay

Dan Richards D.Richards at mmu.ac.uk
Wed Mar 16 10:57:28 EDT 2011


I am working on a project that requires Delaunay triangulation of a set of points in 3D space.
I am trying to use 'Scipy.spatial.Delaunay' to convert a set of [x,y,z] points into vertices that define the triangulated simplexes/faces, however I am struggling to work out which attributes give me this data?

#So far I simply have a set of points:
Points = [[0,0,0],[10,91,23],[53,4,66],[49,392,49],[39,20,0]]

#I am then using:
x = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(Points)

I am sure for here it is very simple, however I have been struggling to understand which attributes I need access to get the vertices of connecting lines?

*         x.vertices?

*         x.neighbors?

*         x.vertex_to_simplex?

*         x.convex_hull...?

If anyone can help or point me in the right direction that would be very much appreciated.


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