[SciPy-User] [ANN] Bottleneck 0.5.0beta

Christoph Gohlke cgohlke at uci.edu
Sat Jun 4 15:52:29 EDT 2011

On 6/4/2011 11:44 AM, Keith Goodman wrote:
> I don't know if there are any Bottleneck users out there but I do know
> that the Bottleneck 0.4 release was a mess (0.4.0, 0.4.1, 0.4.2,
> 0.4.3). So this time around I've made a beta release of Bottleneck
> 0.5:
> https://github.com/downloads/kwgoodman/bottleneck/Bottleneck-0.5.0beta.tar.gz
> Reports of success or failure of bottleneck.test() are appreciated.
> *Release date: Not yet released, in development*
> The fifth release of bottleneck adds four new functions, comes in a
> single source distribution instead of separate 32 and 64 bit versions,
> and fixes a bug in nanmedian:
> **New functions**
> - move_median(), moving window median
> - partsort(), partial sort
> - argpartsort()
> - ss(), sum of squares, faster version of scipy.stats.ss
> **Changes**
> - Single source distribution instead of separate 32 and 64 bit versions
> - nanmax and nanmin now follow Numpy 1.6 (not 1.5.1) when input is all NaN
> **Bug fixes**
> - #14 Support python 2.5 by importing `with` statement
> - #22 nanmedian wrong for particular ordering of NaN and non-NaN elements

Hi Keith,

the code currently fails to compile with msvc9 on Windows. A patch is 

bottleneck.test() passes all 80 tests in ~30s.

In move_median.c, _size_t is defined as 64 bit npy_int64 even on 32 bit 
systems. Is that intended?

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