[SciPy-User] Some interactive Python tutorials on basic stats, possibly useful for teaching

Christopher Barker Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
Thu Feb 17 16:12:34 EST 2011

On 2/17/11 12:29 PM, Raj wrote:
> I confess that I don't really understand the ion() command.
> The Matplotlib documentation says that this turns on interactive mode,
> but what exactly does that entail?

what it does is set MPL to re-draw the figure whenever a change is made. 
Otherwise it only re-draws when specifically instructed to do so.

> I thought that interactive mode referred only to when
> you are running a Python session and typing in new commands,
> with each new plotting command adding to the plot straight away.
> But I guess it must also have some effect on GUI behavior
> during the running of a script, too.

It behaves the same way in either case, but is far more likely to be 
desired when typing commands one by one in a shell.

> I would be very grateful to hear people's thoughts
> on whether they might be any potential downsides
> to inserting this ion() command.

I wouldn't generally do it in a script -- only if you want the user to 
see the figure built up as changes are made.

> Apparently it can sometimes make graphics much more sluggish (?).

yup -- if you are making a lot of changes, you don't want MPL to re-draw 
until they are all done.

> Matplotlib GUIs appear to run slightly differently on Linux
> depending upon which backend is being used,
> and I don't know enough to know whether this ion() command
> would help to make the scripts' behavior either
> more consistent or less consistent across various backends.

nope, that's a separate issue.

> Also, I don't know enough to know whether the ion() command
> ends up having the same effect as running the scripts
> from an "ipython -pylab" session.

nope -- ipython's "pylab" mode mostly has to do with how ipython 
interacts with the mainloop of the GUI backend, though it also sets up 
matplotlib for you, perhaps turning on interactive mode.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R            (206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov

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