[SciPy-User] Using numpy.interp in PyInstaller distribution

sk 6b656d70 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 10:02:54 EST 2011


I am trying to package a single executable version of a tool that will
be used by some people who do not have python installed on windows
machines. Therefore the tool is being converted into a single
executable using PyInstaller.  Realise this isn't a PyInstaller
discussion group and hope that this question is to do with numpy
dependencies rather than pyinstaller specifics.

I am using one function from numpy: nunmpy.interp. I am importing it

from numpy import interp

If I include this single import in my script then I get a huge number
of dependancies and files included in the windows executable (in the
order of 130MB!). If I exclude this line (and the functionality) then
the file comes in at more like 12MB. A significant difference.

My question is: is it possible to import a stripped down version of
this function, or use the c function directly, without the many
additional dependencies?

For information the dependencies include a huge number of numpy and
scipy as well as PyQt (and a couple of other GUI tools I have
installed) when, for the GUI at least, these are not used in the
project, at all.

Many Thanks


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