[SciPy-User] Central File Exchange for Scipy

Andy Wilson wilson.andrew.j at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 14:11:33 EDT 2011

Sorry for showing up late to the party...

fwiw, I did some experimenting with flask+git. It is really rough but if you
are interested you can find it here:  https://github.com/wilsaj/gitsnippets

I think using either git or hg for snippets is a good idea because it saves
some trouble by giving you some nice things for free, namely: history of
edits and the ability to rollback changes (in case of vandalism or errors).
If you keep things linear and don't bother with forking or branching/merging
then it isn't very different from writing to the filesystem, but revision
history is automatically recorded. Repos are also self-contained and easy to

There are good reasons to NOT expose snippets via DVCS. In order for people
to be able to push back a cloned repo, you have to have to deal with
authorization and be ready to handle branches. That's a lot of complexity
and there are already systems that are very good at hosting DVCS, so
diminishing returns...

The 'coming soon' parts of the github gist API look pretty enticing, no dice
so far: http://develop.github.com/p/gist.html

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