[SciPy-User] scikits.timeseries: How to define frequency of 15minutes

Georges Schutz georges.schutz at internet.lu
Tue Sep 28 03:40:27 EDT 2010

On 22/09/2010 08:37, Pierre GM wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:27 AM, Darryl Woods wrote:
>> I know this was posted some time ago now, but just wondering if anyone has
>> created any patches or found a way to use a 15-minute frequency with timeseries.
>> I'm currently using pandas because it supports it, but some of the functions of
>> timeseries would be very useful in my case for dealing with messy input data.
> AAMOF, yes.
> You can find it on http://github.com/pierregm/scikits.timeseries-sandbox.
> Now, you can add a `timestep` to a function like time_series, which lets you define a regular interval between two consecutive events.
> Because the functionality hasn't been thoroughly tested yet, it's not the in the official branch yet (hence the scikits.timeseries-sandbox) and is not well documented. Last time I checked, it worked well, though. Your feedback will therefore be invaluable.
> Let me know how it goes.
> P

Thank you for this development. I would like to analyse the sandbox 
branch but how can I do this without impacting my stable 
scikits.timeseries installation.
I can clone the git repository into an local directory but it seems to 
me that I need to install the the package using
   python setup.py install
And this will probably impact my stable scikits.timeseries no?
As I use Win-XP as OS it is recommended to use the pre-build installer 
(README.txt). What do you suggest me to do for testing and analysing 
your sandbox branch?

Georges Schutz

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