[SciPy-User] Austin Job Posting

Dharhas Pothina Dharhas.Pothina at twdb.state.tx.us
Thu Sep 9 13:11:57 EDT 2010

Hi All,

We have a new full time position open in the Surface Water Resources division at the Texas Water Development Board that may be of interest to folks on this mailing list. 

This person will primarily working under me developing and maintaining software and procedures to manage and analyze various types of surface water data collected across our division. Most of the work will be using python/numpy/scipy. A description of the position and details on how to apply can be found on our website at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/about/employment_opportunities/Employopport.asp (Scroll Down to Position # 11-01 Environmental Data Analyst). The actual responsibilities of the position and the skills we are looking for are flexible so I encourage potential applicants to call or email me if they have questions about the position. Actual applications need to be made following the procedures outlined on our website.

Please circulate this email as you see fit. 


- dharhas

Dharhas Pothina, Ph.D., P.E.
Special Projects Lead
Surface Water Resources Division
Texas Water Development Board
1700 North Congress Ave.
P.O. Box 13231
Austin, TX 78711-3231

Tel: (512) 936-0818
Fax: (512) 936-0816

dharhas.pothina at twdb.state.tx.us 

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