[SciPy-User] Problems building SciPy on OS X due to ppc64 issues

Dr. David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Fri Oct 8 22:17:09 EDT 2010

On 10/ 9/10 12:21 AM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 2:14 AM, Dr. David Kirkby<david.kirkby at onetel.net>wrote:
>> Numpy and SciPy are used in the Sage project. A ticket has been opened to
>> update
>> Numpy to 1.5.0 and SciPy to 0.8.
>> We hit a problem with Numpy and Solaris, though the number developers have
>> now
>> committed a fix for that issue.
>> However, we have an issue with people being unable to build on OS X. I
>> personally do not have an OS X machine, but there's a log of a failed build
>> here:
>> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/palmieri/misc/scipy-0.8.log
>> For reasons I think are rather stupid, we use a script sage_fortran which
>> is the
>> Fortran compiler, so references below to
>> /Applications/sage_builds/numpy/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/bin/sage_fortran
>> is actually just a link to 'gfortran'
>> It seems to resolve around the error message about two files "...have the
>> same
>> architectures (ppc64) and can't be in the same fat output file
> Some googling turns up this which seems related to your issue:
> http://omgili.com/mailinglist/boost-users/lists/boost/org/2E4E2E72-3D6F-41B3-BB5B-0D81145DEA59orchidseedorg.html

Thank you for that.

I need to get the people with the OS X problems to look at that. As I don't run 
OS X myself (I prefere Solaris), it's hard to say.

I know Sage ships a Fortran compiler for OS X, but I'm not sure if there is more 
than one of them.

On thing Sage tries to do is build binaries which will run on as wider range as 
platforms as possible. It seems that getting a binary to run on PPC and well as 
the latest OS X is just impossible.

What is odd, is that the code in Sage was working until we upgraded Numpy and 


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