[SciPy-User] problems installing scipy on cygwin

David david at silveregg.co.jp
Wed Nov 17 23:22:24 EST 2010

On 11/18/2010 11:16 AM, James McCormac wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've spent the last while following the page online for installing scipy
> on my windows machine via cygwin. I only want to use scipy from within
> cygwin.
> I have built numpy-1.5.0 and it is working ok, although when i try the
> numpy.test() i get an error saying 'need nose>= 0.1.0 for tests' but
> everything else seems fine.
> I have also built the ATLAS and LAPACK files following the instructions
> online. I added them to a file like it suggested and added this location
> to the site.cfg in numpy. When i do a numpy.show_config() there are a list
> of libraries shown fine.
> I also added this site.cfg file to the root of the scipy-0.8.0 source
> directory. When i then try to build scipy-0.8.0 i get the errors in
> error.txt attached. I've also attached the site.cfg file too just incase.

cygwin uses unix conventions for paths, it does not understand C:\\ (you 
can see that when scipy tries to build things, the library dir option 
for the linker is -L\\Blas..., not -LC:\\). You should use unix paths - 
to refer to C:\foo, you may use /cygdrives/c/foo or something like that 
(from a cygwin shell).

Also, you should avoid using upper-case: although NTFS handles uppercase 
filename, other parts of windows do not, and that only complicates the 
matter when using cygwin IMO. If you want to stay as close to unix as 
possible, I advise you to keep everything inside /,



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