[SciPy-User] Kinpy

Johann Rohwer jr at sun.ac.za
Mon May 31 14:56:31 EDT 2010

You might be interested in PySCeS, the Python Simulator for Cellular Systems 
(http://pysces.sf.net), which is a package (runs on top of scipy and numpy) 
dedicated to solving (bio)chemical reaction networks and does, amongst 
others, time-course simulation, steady-state analysis, higher-order analyses 
such as stability analysis and metabolic control analysis, and more. I just 
don't want you to re-invent the wheel, and solving the kind of numerical 
problem you mention on your page is a breeze with PySCeS.


On 31/05/2010 18:34, Akshay Srinivasan wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been doing a lot Chemical Kinetic simulation lately, I
> particularly found that generating the code for solving a given set of
> reactions is a lot more time consuming and mechanistic than the time
> taken to do the rest of the work. I wrote Kinpy as a simple script to
> generate the Python code for doing exactly this from the natural
> representation of a set of chemical reactions. Its not really a
> *project* per se - its just one file! I couldn't any other place to put
> it, so it ended up on google code.
> You can find the the source code and information on usage here:
> http://code.google.com/p/kinpy/
> Regards,
> Akshay

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