[SciPy-User] re[SciPy-user] moving for loops...

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Fri May 21 22:41:54 EDT 2010

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:14 PM, mdekauwe <mdekauwe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also I then need to remap the 2D array I make onto another grid (the world in
> this case). Which again I had am doing with a loop (note numpts is a lot
> bigger than my example above).
> wilcoxStats_snow = np.ones((outrows, outcols), dtype=np.float32) * np.nan
> for i in xrange(numpts):
>        # exclude the NaN, note masking them doesn't work in the stats func
>        x = data1_snow[:,i]
>        x = x[np.isfinite(x)]
>        y = data2_snow[:,i]
>        y = y[np.isfinite(y)]
>        # wilcox signed rank test
>        # make sure we have enough samples to do the test
>        d = x - y
>        d = np.compress(np.not_equal(d,0), d ,axis=-1) # Keep all non-zero
> differences
>        count = len(d)
>        if count > 10:
>            z, pval = stats.wilcoxon(x, y)
>            # only map out sign different data
>            if pval < 0.05:
>                wilcoxStats_snow[((180-1)-(rows[i]-1)),cols[i]-1] =
> np.mean(x - y)
> Now I think I can push the data in one move into the wilcoxStats_snow array
> by removing the index,
> but I can't see how I will get the individual x and y pts for each array
> member correctly without the loop, this was my attempt which of course
> doesn't work!
> x = data1_snow[:,:]
> x = x[np.isfinite(x)]
> y = data2_snow[:,:]
> y = y[np.isfinite(y)]
> # r^2
> # exclude v.small arrays, i.e. we need just less over 4 years of data
> if len(x) and len(y) > 50:
>    pearsonsr_snow[((180-1)-(rows-1)),cols-1] = (stats.pearsonr(x, y)[0])**2

If you want to do pairwise comparisons with stats.wilcoxon, then you
might be stuck with the loop, since wilcoxon takes only two 1d arrays
at a time (if I read the help correctly).

Also the presence of nans might force the use a loop. stats.mstats has
masked array versions, but I didn't see wilcoxon in the list. (Even
when vectorized operations would work with regular arrays, nan or
masked array versions still have to loop in many cases.)

If you have many columns with count <= 10, so that wilcoxon is not
calculated then it might be worth to use only array operations up to
that point. If wilcoxon is calculated most of the time, then it's not
worth thinking too hard about this.


> thanks.
> mdekauwe wrote:
>> Yes as Zachary said index is only 0 to 15237, so both methods work.
>> I don't quite get what you mean about slicing with axis > 3. Is there a
>> link you can recommend I should read? Does that mean given I have 4dims
>> that Josef's suggestion would be more advised in this case?

There were several discussions on the mailing lists (fancy slicing and
indexing). Your case is safe, but if you run in future into funny
shapes, you can look up the details.
when in doubt, I use np.arange(...)


>> Thanks.
>> josef.pktd wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:55 AM, mdekauwe <mdekauwe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks that works...
>>>> So the way to do it is with np.arange(tsteps)[:,None], that was the step
>>>> I
>>>> was struggling with, so this forms a 2D array which replaces the the two
>>>> for
>>>> loops? Do I have that right?
>>> Yes, but as Zachary showed, if you need the full index in a dimension,
>>> then you can use slicing. It might be faster.
>>> And a warning, mixing slices and index arrays with 3 or more
>>> dimensions can have some surprise switching of axes.
>>> Josef
>>>> A lot quicker...!
>>>> Martin
>>>> josef.pktd wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:59 AM, mdekauwe <mdekauwe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I am trying to extract data from a 4D array and store it in a 2D
>>>>>> array,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> avoid my current usage of the for loops for speed, as in reality the
>>>>>> arrays
>>>>>> sizes are quite big. Could someone also try and explain the solution
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> well
>>>>>> if they have a spare moment as I am still finding it quite difficult
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> over the habit of using loops (C convert for my sins). I get that one
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> precompute the indices's i and j i.e.
>>>>>> i = np.arange(tsteps)
>>>>>> j = np.arange(numpts)
>>>>>> but just can't get my head round how i then use them...
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> import numpy as np
>>>>>> numpts=10
>>>>>> tsteps = 12
>>>>>> vari = 22
>>>>>> data = np.random.random((tsteps, vari, numpts, 1))
>>>>>> new_data = np.zeros((tsteps, numpts), dtype=np.float32)
>>>>>> index = np.arange(numpts)
>>>>>> for i in xrange(tsteps):
>>>>>>    for j in xrange(numpts):
>>>>>>        new_data[i,j] = data[i,5,index[j],0]
>>>>> The index arrays need to be broadcastable against each other.
>>>>> I think this should do it
>>>>> new_data = data[np.arange(tsteps)[:,None], 5, np.arange(numpts), 0]
>>>>> Josef
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