[SciPy-User] FreeImage <-> numpy IO wrappers

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at yale.edu
Wed May 12 13:10:19 EDT 2010

> Do you know if FreeImage does anything via memory-mapping ? I'm mostly
> interested in TIFF-memmap, which exists according to libtif, but I
> have now idea how useful it is .....  (I need memmap for GB-size
> multipage images)

I don't know a ton about how memmapping works, but check out these  
functions from FreeImage:

> FreeImage_OpenMemory
> DLL_API FIMEMORY *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_OpenMemory(BYTE *data  
> size_in_bytes FI_DEFAULT(0));
> Open a memory stream. The function returns a pointer to the opened  
> memory stream.
> When called with default arguments (0), this function opens a memory  
> stream for read / write
> access. The stream will support loading and saving of FIBITMAP in a  
> memory file (managed
> internally by FreeImage). It will also support seeking and telling  
> in the memory file.
> This function can also be used to wrap a memory buffer provided by  
> the application driving
> FreeImage. A buffer containing image data is given as function  
> arguments data (start of the
> buffer) and size_in_bytes (buffer size in bytes). A memory buffer  
> wrapped by FreeImage is
> read only. Images can be loaded but cannot be saved.

> FreeImage_LoadFromHandle
> FreeImage_LoadFromHandle(FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT fif,
> FreeImageIO *io, fi_handle handle, int flags FI_DEFAULT(0));
> FreeImage has the unique feature to load a bitmap from an arbitrary  
> source. This source
> might for example be a cabinet file, a zip file or an Internet  
> stream. Handling of these arbitrary
> sources is not directly handled in the FREEIMAGE.DLL, but can be  
> easily added by using a
> FreeImageIO structure as defined in FREEIMAGE.H.
> FreeImageIO is a structure that contains 4 function pointers: one to  
> read from a source, one
> to write to a source, one to seek in the source and one to tell  
> where in the source we currently
> are. When you populate the FreeImageIO structure with pointers to  
> functions and pass that
> structure to FreeImage_LoadFromHandle, FreeImage will call your  
> functions to read, seek
> and tell in a file. The handle-parameter (third parameter from the  
> left) is used in this to
> differentiate between different contexts, e.g. different files or  
> different Internet streams.

With the first, I think you could just pass the void* pointer returned  
from memmapping a file; with the second, I think you could wrap a  
memmapped file with a file-like interface (implemented in python  
callbacks, even). Not sure, of course, if that will work OK... Might  
be easier to work with wrappers to libtiff directly?


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