[SciPy-User] [ANN] PythonToolkit (PTK) - open source,

Charrett, Thomas t.charrett at cranfield.ac.uk
Mon May 3 14:39:29 EDT 2010

Thanks for the comments.

The show() call is 'feature' of matplotlib, to avoid slow redraws when constructing figures. To get rid of it you can put pylab into interactive mode using pylab.ion() (pylab.ioff() does the opposite) or by editing your matplotlib configuration files. IPython may well turn it on automatically. 

You will also probably need to make sure you are using the correct matplotlib backend for the engine type - for internal/ wxExternal engines this is one of the wx backends, for the TkExternal engine use the Tk backend etc...

As for integrating IPython probably not, but I may decide to add the same magic commands that IPython uses, I'm not sure yet as some of them seem a bit pointless, %run = python execfile command, and others are replaced by the gui , such as %who/%whos. 


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 2 May 2010 17:24:13 +0530
From: Anil C R <cr.anil at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [SciPy-User] [ANN] PythonToolkit (PTK) - open source,
        wxPython         interactive environment
To: SciPy Users List <scipy-user at scipy.org>
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Tom, are you planning on integrating ipython too? I think that would be
nice. Also I use matplotlib, and every time i need to do an imshow, I need
to do something like this:

img = imread('image.png')

is this a problem with matplotlib or with your software?? any workarounds to
avoid the  show() call?


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