[SciPy-User] ANN: Veusz 1.7

Jeremy Sanders jeremy at jeremysanders.net
Tue Mar 30 05:18:56 EDT 2010

Tim Michelsen wrote:

>>  * Text, CSV and FITS importing
> Are you planning to support hdf5 in the future?
> What about XLS/ODS tables?

Maybe HDF5 at least. Someone kindly made me an HDF5 patch a while ago that I 
dropped because of other pressures. I'll have to hunt for it and fix it for 
the latest version. I think the problem was that I couldn't find any example 
HDF5 tables to try it on.

I haven't thought about XLS and ODS. If there's a python module that makes 
them look like a CSV file to my code then adding them should be pretty easy.


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