[SciPy-User] 2d convolution

Joseph Anderson j.anderson at hull.ac.uk
Wed Mar 24 10:58:32 EDT 2010

> Firstly fftw in scipy and numpy was fftw2 IIRC, and switching to fftw3 is a
> bit
> more involved, due to the plan semantics (I'm actually planning to implement a
> "old style" api, i.e. y=fft(x) in pyfftw at some point). The other thing is
> that fftw3 (I don't know about 2) is GPL which does not fit with scipy which
> is
> BSD-like. 
> Note I'm just guessing as I was not involved in the decision to remove fftw
> from scipy.

So... Back to my 1st question...

Is there an easy way for me to get a fast y=fft(x) on G5 PPC OSX?

(BTW--last night I tried a quick enpkg upgrade on my G5 PPC OSX, with little
apparent success. Need to look into that.)

Thanks for your advice.

My regards,

Dr Joseph Anderson
Lecturer in Music

School of Arts and New Media
University of Hull, Scarborough Campus,
Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3AZ, UK

T: +44.(0)1723.362392 T: +44.(0)1723.357370 F: +44.(0)1723.350815

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