[SciPy-User] determining if structured/rec array

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Sun Mar 21 21:43:33 EDT 2010

On Mar 21, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Skipper Seabold wrote:
> Is there anywhere in scipy that works on structured arrays
> dynamically?  If not, is this a good way to determine if a structured/
> rec array was given to a function or is there a better/easier way?
> import numpy as np
> def isstructarray(X):
>    """
>    Returns a bool indicating if X is a structured or recarray.
>    Parameters
>    -----------
>    X : ndarray or subclass
>    Returns
>    -------
>    True or False, indicating if X is a structured or recarray.
>    """
>    if X.__class__ is np.recarray or (isinstance(X, np.ndarray) and\
>            X.dtype.names):
>        return True
>    else:
>        return False

Meh. As long as dtype.names is not None, you have a structured array (recarrays are by definition structured arrays). Looks like a function that doesn't really do anything...

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