[SciPy-User] Maximum file size for .npz format?

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Tue Mar 16 16:56:51 EDT 2010

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 09:49:12AM -0700, Christopher Barker wrote:
> David Warde-Farley wrote:
> > Actually I did build a 4-way universal binary of HDF5.
> > An installer for the binaries I made is at
> > 
> > 	http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~dwf/mirror/hdf5-1.8.4-quad.pkg
> > 
> > I can write up some instructions if that would be helpful.
> Wonderful! Any chance you've tackled netcdf4 as well?

Sorry, I haven't, but it should be roughly the same procedure. I'll write up
some instructions.

One thing with HDF5 was that I believe I had to compile i386 and x86_64
binaries on an Intel Mac and ppc/ppc64 on a PowerPC Mac, there was some issue
with cross-compiling that I never quite got sorted out. It may compile a
binary which it then wants to actually *run* for another step of the build
process. Rosetta should take care of this on Intel but the machine I was
sitting in front of was a G5, and the Intel build on that machine failed 
miserably, so I logged in remotely to an Intel Mac. I will try compiling all
4 on an Intel machine and see if that works.


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