[SciPy-User] Maximum file size for .npz format?

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Mon Mar 15 16:07:44 EDT 2010

A Monday 15 March 2010 20:25:09 Christopher Barker escrigué:
> Francesc Alted wrote:
> > I wouldn't say that HDF5 it is very difficult to build/install.  In fact,
> > it is a matter of "./configure; make install" --and that only if there is
> > not a binary package available for your SO, which is usually the case.
> clearly, you've never tired to build a Universal binary on OS-X ;-)

Ok, touché.  But is there any package for which it is easy to build an 
Universal binary on Mac OS-X? ;-)

Francesc Alted

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