[SciPy-User] First attempt to import scipy.stats fails

PHobson at Geosyntec.com PHobson at Geosyntec.com
Tue Mar 9 21:26:36 EST 2010

> -----Original Message-----
> From: scipy-user-bounces at scipy.org [mailto:scipy-user-bounces at scipy.org]
> On Behalf Of josef.pktd at gmail.com
> scipy 0.7.1 is not compatible with numpy 1.4.0
> new compatible versions are hopefully out soon. the released scipy
> binary is only compatible with numpy 1.3..  scipy needs to be
> recompiled to run with numpy 1.4.0,
> Josef

Ahh. Thanks for the info. Strange how it works fine the second time. 
-paul h.

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