[SciPy-User] Matlab trademark - was: Re: SciPy-User Digest, Vol 82, Issue 49

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 19:44:52 EDT 2010


> I would also like to point out another possible source of issues.  There are
> times when we might compare a function's behavior against another system,
> like MATLAB.  While I don't recall an example in SciPy, I have seen it in
> matplotlib's pcolor() functions.  I wouldn't be surprised to see it
> elsewhere, considering how we do try to cater for those moving from MATLAB.

I think that's the same issue.  From the wikipedia page:

"A nonowner may also use a trademark nominatively—to refer to the
actual trademarked product or its source. In addition to protecting
product criticism and analysis, United States law actually encourages
nominative usage by competitors in the form of comparative

>> But - 'I am not a lawyer' (TM).
> "But I play one on the internet!" :-P

I very much like to see arguments based on sources - then I can see
how the argument is formed, and how I can engage in it, if I am
interested.   It makes it easier to have an informed discussion.

See you,


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