[SciPy-User] curve_fit missing from scipy.optimize

Benedikt Riedel benedikt.riedel at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 00:53:41 EDT 2010

Hello all,

I was setting up my new server at the moment and wanted to install scipy on
it. I got it all setup thanks to a couple online tutorials. When I tried to
run one of my scripts, I got a segmentation fault when it came to importing
scipy.optimize. I then used the software manager to install another version
of scipy (0.7.0-2 instead of 0.7.2). I then could at least import
scipy.optimize, but scipy.optimize.curve_fit could not be found. So I
installed 0.7.2 again and now scipy.optimize could be found, but curve_fit
was still missing. I looked on google and could only find one solution by
replacing the minpack.py file. I tried that and does not seem to work
either. Any other ideas or hints?

Thanks a lot in advance.


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