[SciPy-User] I want something like numpy.put

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at yale.edu
Thu Jan 28 19:24:41 EST 2010

scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates is probably the closest you'll get, but  
it doesn't appear to be an exact match for your use case...

It's a bit tricky to figure out, but in might be useful. I think there  
are a few tutorials about how it works online.


On Jan 28, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Andy Fraser wrote:

> I want to "paint" a distorted image onto a background.  The distorted
> map is described by an array of ordered pairs called "ij".  I get the
> effect that I want from the following loop:
>    for x in xrange(w):
>        for y in xrange(h):
>            dest[ij[x,y,0],ij[x,y,1]] = source[x,y]
> Each assignment operates on an rgb pixel vector.  Is there a single
> fast numpy call that achieves the same effect?
> Andy
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