[SciPy-User] ATLAS

gintare statkute g.statkute at gmail.com
Sat Jan 23 16:03:25 EST 2010


I can not install ATLAS and would like to ask if i could get from
somebody working and installable version of ATLAS.

In tar archives, which i download from http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/
(tired sevral different versions) - in the ./configure step header
files are missing in source directory, i.e. in folders which i
downloaded in tar format.

In tar archives, which i download from
installaiton do not stop. I left it for 5 hours and installation
continues with message. 0: NFLOP=0, tim=0.000000
without errors.

My OS is linux.
I posted to ATLAS newsgroup about missing header files, but most
probably people in this group have installed ATLAS and i couild borriw
*.tar.bz2 file form them.


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