[SciPy-User] New Installation

R. Padraic Springuel R.Springuel at umit.maine.edu
Sun Feb 21 12:01:20 EST 2010

> Did you try to completely remove Python and then do a fresh install?  Whenever I
> try to do upgrades or additions I always have problems, so I like to just wipe
> everything out and install from scratch.

Originally no, but I'd tried that solution before emailing the list.

Anyway, I was just checking the numpy download site and noticed that 
there is no longer a download link for v1.4.  I figure this is because 
of some problems with that version?  So, I downloaded v1.3, installed 
it, reinstalled scipy and matplotlib and everything is working fine now.

R. Padraic Springuel
Research Assistant
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Maine
Bennett 309
Office Hours: Thursdays, 12-2pm

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