[SciPy-User] Convert a time-frequency array to sound file

Yannick Copin y.copin at ipnl.in2p3.fr
Mon Feb 15 08:35:37 EST 2010


> You could just take the inverse fourier transform of each spectra and then
> just patch them end to end, but I suspect this will end up sounding pretty
> awful as you'd get lots of phase discontinuities at the end of each
> segment. A better strategy might be to generate a continuous sin wave for
> each frequency (with a good number of samples per segment), multiply each
> of these sin waves by the corresponding, interpolated, spectral amplitude,
> and then sum over the different frequencies.
> This should be easy enough to do with the standard numpy functions.

Thanks for the tips. Alas, I guess I have to conclude that such a conversion 
procedure does not already exist...

    .~.   Yannick COPIN  (o:>*  Doctus cum libro
    /V\   Institut de physique nucléaire de Lyon
   // \\  Université de Lyon - CNRS-IN2P3
  /(   )\ AIM: YnCopin ICQ: 236931013
   ^`~'^  http://snovae.in2p3.fr/ycopin/

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