[SciPy-User] OT: calling Java from Python

Christoph Gohlke cgohlke at uci.edu
Thu Dec 23 16:00:14 EST 2010

On 12/23/2010 12:49 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:
> Hi folks,
> This is a bit OT, but y'all tend to be a great resource for lots of
> stuff, and this is python-for-science related:
> Are there any active projects supporting calling Java from CPython?
> It seems JPE and JPype are both pretty dead, and I don't see much else
> except maybe Babel:
> https://computation.llnl.gov/casc/components/#page=home
>    -- thought that seems kind of like yet another language!)
> My use case:
> Lately Unidata has put a lot more emphasis on the JAVA implementation of
> the netcdf libraries that the C one, so it has a lot of nifty features
> not supported for C, and therefore for Python.
> There is this project for calling the netcdf JAVA libs from MATLAB:
> http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/njtbx
> Which made me think that it would be nice to have something similar for
> Python. With the Python C api and JNI (and maybe Cython), it should be
> possible, but I sure don't want to start doing that from scratch.
> gnu CNI looks promising, too.
> There is a lot going on in the JAVA world, it would be nice to access
> some of that.
> Are any of you doing anything like this? Any thoughts? There
> -Chris

CellProfiler <http://www.cellprofiler.org/> calls Java libraries 
(bioformats, ImageJ) via JNI. Take a look at 


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