[SciPy-User] [SciPy-Dev] ANN: SciPy 0.9.0 beta 1

Benjamin Root ben.root at ou.edu
Mon Dec 13 11:43:44 EST 2010

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Ralf Gommers
<ralf.gommers at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I am pleased to announce the availability of the first beta of SciPy 0.9.0.
> This will be the first SciPy release to include support for Python 3, as
> well as for Python 2.7. Please try this beta and report any problems on
> the scipy-dev mailing list.
> Binaries, sources and release notes can be found athttp://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/scipy/0.9.0b1/<https://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/>.
> Note that not all binaries (win32-py27, *-macosx10.3) are uploaded yet, they
> will follow in the next day or two.
> There are still a few known issues (so no need to report these):
> 1. Arpack related errors on 64-bit OS X.
> 2. Correlate complex192 errors on Windows.
> 3. correlate/conjugate current behavior is deprecated and should be removed
> before RC1.
> Enjoy,
> Ralf
Just did a clean rebuild (after a clean rebuild of numpy) and had two errors
in the tests:

FAIL: test_imresize (test_pilutil.TestPILUtil)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/numpy/numpy/testing/decorators.py", line 146, in
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/scipy/scipy/misc/tests/test_pilutil.py", line 25,
in test_imresize
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/numpy/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 251, in
    assert_equal(actual[k], desired[k], 'item=%r\n%s' % (k,err_msg),
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/numpy/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 313, in
    raise AssertionError(msg)
Items are not equal:


FAIL: test_basic (test_signaltools.TestMedFilt)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/scipy/scipy/signal/tests/test_signaltools.py",
line 284, in test_basic
    [ 0,  7, 11,  7,  4,  4, 19, 19, 24,  0]])
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/numpy/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 686, in
    verbose=verbose, header='Arrays are not equal')
  File "/home/bvr/Programs/numpy/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 618, in
    raise AssertionError(msg)
Arrays are not equal

(mismatch 8.0%)
 x: array([[  0.,  50.,  50.,  50.,  42.,  15.,  15.,  18.,  27.,   0.],
       [  0.,  50.,  50.,  50.,  50.,  42.,  19.,  21.,  29.,   0.],
       [ 50.,  50.,  50.,  50.,  50.,  47.,  34.,  34.,  46.,  35.],...
 y: array([[ 0, 50, 50, 50, 42, 15, 15, 18, 27,  0],
       [ 0, 50, 50, 50, 50, 42, 19, 21, 29,  0],
       [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 47, 34, 34, 46, 35],...

Ran 4822 tests in 199.244s

FAILED (KNOWNFAIL=12, SKIP=35, failures=2)
<nose.result.TextTestResult run=4822 errors=0 failures=2>

Don't know about the first one, but the second one looks like a type-casting
issue, because all the values are the same, except one is floating point and
the other is integer.

Ben Root
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