[SciPy-User] ANN: IEP, the interactive Editor for Python

Ian Stokes-Rees ijstokes at hkl.hms.harvard.edu
Tue Aug 24 11:57:32 EDT 2010

> The main reason for doing this is that it can be quite a bit of work
> to install Python3 + PyQT4 + Qscintilla on Linux. Prebuilding saves a
> lot of people that work :) 
> I hope to provide something similar for Mac users in the near future
> (but I need some help with that since I do not own a Mac).

We run a developer network with a number of different platforms
available (including OS X 10.5 and 10.6).  I could probably get you an
account there.  Desktop/graphical access is via VNC, AFAIK.

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