[SciPy-User] Problem building scikits.vectorplot v1.1

Bridgman, William T. william.t.bridgman at nasa.gov
Fri Aug 20 12:06:04 EDT 2010

Trying to build this on MacOS 10.5+ under python 2.6, numpy 1.3, scipy  

lic_internal.c would not compile until I edited
adding/modifying lines to find numpy headers:

import numpy as np
include_dirs = [',',np.get_include()],

After that, lic_internal.c compiles with
% python setup.py build

using the setup.py within vectorplot, but

% sudo python setup.py install

at the top level does not seem to actually install (though it gives no  
obvious errors).  I can't find it in site-packages.

I'm tempted to just copy the scipy tree into site-packages but it  
looks like parts of vectorplot are scattered between

build/lib/scikits/ and scikits/vectorplot/build/lib.macosx-10.5-fat-2.6

and it is unclear what items are complete.

BTW, cleaning out the build/ directories and trying to build from the  
top-level setup.py fails to compile lic_internal.c.


Dr. William T."Tom" Bridgman               Scientific Visualization  
Global Science & Technology, Inc.          NASA/Goddard Space Flight  
Email: William.T.Bridgman at nasa.gov         Code 610.3
Phone: 301-286-1346                        Greenbelt, MD 20771
FAX:   301-286-1634                        http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/

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