[SciPy-User] scikity.timeseries: Report options question

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Thu Sep 10 04:42:40 EDT 2009

> Yes, this is intended. The documentation for that parameter is:
> '''
> header_char : {“-“, str}, optional
>     Character to be used for the row separator line between the header and
>     first row of data. Specify None for no separator. This is ignored if
>     header_row is not specified.
> '''

Sorry, totally overlooked the last sentence.
I presume that Pierre didn't answer my question because of this...

Its that I am porting my code step-by-step from the state 
of timeseries before the upgrade to numpy 1.3.

I have to say that the new functions are just great!
genfromtxt makes using new data just  a matter 
of creating a new dateconverter.
And convert to annual is just a nice convenience, too.

Kind regards,

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