[SciPy-User] How to make sure that a module gets re-loaded

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sun Oct 25 06:51:15 EDT 2009

la, 2009-10-24 kello 23:58 +0200, Gaetan Cesar Koers kirjoitti:
> How to make sure that a module gets re-loaded when I've edited it's 
> source code?
> I thought that either 'import' or 'reload' could do this, but I have the 
> idea that only a cold shell restart helps.
> The time I've lost by chasing a bug that afterwards proves to be a 
> remnant of a previous module version!

If it's a pure-python module, for which reload() works, you can automate
reloading by using IPython and doing

	import ipy_autoreload
	%autoreload 2

See also


Pauli Virtanen

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