[SciPy-User] a small example of scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates

denis denis-bz-gg at t-online.de
Wed Oct 7 05:46:53 EDT 2009

Thanks Ralf, Thanks David,
  I've put the note, with your suggestions, in

I think a collection of getting-started / microtutorials, easier than
the Cookbook,
might be useful; and I like the rating / comment system in
mechanicalkern / stackoverflow.
We'll see if
"answers from that site [mechanicalkern] get integrated in the
reference/user guides where appropriate."
If not, please advise.

Is the editor in mechanicalkern the same as the one in the doc wiki ?
Is there a local version of either, to first compose locally ?

(OK I'll go over to scipy-dev
but it's not in google groups and the Gmane nntp reader seems to be
broken on my mac,
what do you two use ?)

  -- denis

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