[SciPy-User] Problems installing Scipy on Snow Leopard

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 15:43:45 EDT 2009

On Oct 5, 2009, at 3:34 PM, Christopher MacMinn wrote:

>>> I can tell you where the software is but I can't tell you how to
>>> install on a MacOS:
>> My 2c:
>> Install numpy from sources. Far easier to debug that way, and you're
>> sure that your numpy is 64b.
> I suggest following the instructions at the link below for the whole
> thing -- they are very clear, and worked for me with no problems.

Except that as already stated on this list:
* messing around with your /System/Library/Framework/Python is a VERY  
bad idea.
* sudoing your install might not be the best option. You can define a  
directory where to install your new sources with the --user option of  
`python setup.py install`. It's safer and cleaner.

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