[SciPy-User] EPD doesn't run my code

Ram Rachum cool-rr at cool-rr.com
Sat Nov 28 05:04:41 EST 2009


I have my project GarlicSim which runs in ordinary Python. I tried to run it in 
EPD, and it's failing, at two distinct points I could identify. (Possibly there 
are more.)

Here's the project code:


I identified one of the points in question. It's about the `win32api` and the 
`win32process` modules.

When I load up the Python shell of my EPD, and try `import win32process`, I get 
this error dialog:

python.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?PyWinGlobals_Ensure@@YAXXZ could not be located in 
the dynamic link library pywintypes25.dll.

When I try 'import win32api`, I get:

python.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?PyWinObject_AsHANDLE@@YAHPAU_object@@PAPAXH at Z could 
not be located in the dynamic link library pywintypes25.dll.

The second point is that in my wxPython window, the images in the toolbar get 

Any idea?

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