[SciPy-User] For DavidC, relevant to Windoze in general: BLAS/LAPACK installer

David Goldsmith d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 15:23:10 EST 2009

Hi, David C. (and all).  Searching the archives for "Windows BLAS," I found
your 2008 post announcing an alpha version of a BLAS/LAPACK Windows
installer "superpack," but the link therein appears to be dead (I get a 404
not found error).  What's the status of this endeavor?  Have you "recalled"
or stopped developing the product?  If so, what's your present
recommendation for installing these in Vista?  (I found an interesting 2008
paper "Choosing the optimal BLAS and LAPACK library," which has a list
indicating ATLAS, Goto, and Intel MKL as "better-than-reference" tested
implementations on Intel-based architecture, but in Linux.  Also, it
indicates that Goto is BLAS-only - is this all I need for a viable build of
scipy from source?)  Thanks!

David G.
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