[SciPy-User] Weierstrass and Jacobi

nicky van foreest vanforeest at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 16:17:44 EST 2009

Hi Karl,

I haven't checked.. you might try the books of Apostol (mathematical
analysis), Courant and John, or Numerical recipes on this.



2009/11/9 Karl Young <karl.young at ucsf.edu>:
> Sorry for the dumb question (but some of you know me by now !). I was
> able to stumble around and solve a differential equation I was working
> on in terms of Weierstrass elliptic functions (though an open source
> type of guy I have to thank Wolfram re. wloframalpha for help with
> that...). I'd like to evaluate the function for various sets of
> parameters and found that the special functions package for scipy has
> Jacobi elliptic functions available. I seem to recall that the
> Weierstrass elliptic functions are special cases of the Jacobi elliptic
> functions but haven't been able to locate any source that describes that
> in any detail. Anyone have any hints ? Thanks,
> -- Karl
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