[SciPy-user] spare matrices

Eric Friedman ejf27 at cornell.edu
Mon Mar 16 22:12:46 EDT 2009

 <josef.pktd <at> gmail.com> writes:

> >
> Since there are several different sparse
 formats, which have
> advantages for different applications,
 you need to be a bit more
> specific what you tried and what operations 
you need. A brief
> description of each format and advantages and 
disadvantages are in the
> docs.
> ...
> Josef

thanks -- I played around with a few of the formats and 
read the docs, but what
I'm looking for is someone to tell me that it 
really does work and if I spend
the required time to figure it out it will 
be able handle millions of entries.
(I read a couple of posts on various bulletin 
boards that seemed to suggest that
I'm pushing the envelope here.)


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