[SciPy-user] installation problems on SUSE 10.2

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jun 26 01:02:13 EDT 2009

John Schulman wrote:
> I ran
> zypper install gcc-fortran blas lapack
> I installed numpy from source, it passes all tests.
> I install scipy from source, and it seems to go through successfully.
> But I get errors when I try to import any of the submodules of scipy.
> Below I pasted what happens with test(). Maybe someone knows what I
> should try.

Some of the fortran libraries are built with g77, some with gfortran.
That should be avoided. I suspect that you built numpy/scipy with g77,
whereas the blas of opensus is built with gfortran. Remove/uninstall
numpy and scipy, remove the build directories, and install as follows:

python setup.py build --fcompiler=gnu95 install --prefix=yourprefix

for both numpy and scipy.

> I may give up on this and put on a new linux distro. What linux distro
> is it easy to get scipy and its dependencies working?

There is really no need to use a new distribution. Just make sure you
use the same fortran compiler everywhere (one good way is to uninstall
g77 in your case, as gfortran is the default fortran compiler for SUSE


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