[SciPy-user] subprocess

Nils Wagner nwagner at iam.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jun 23 13:29:48 EDT 2009

On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:20:45 -0600
  Jim Vickroy <Jim.Vickroy at noaa.gov> wrote:
> Nils Wagner wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 10:52:13 -0600
>>   Jim Vickroy <Jim.Vickroy at noaa.gov> wrote:
>>> Nils Wagner wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Sorry if the subject is off-topic.
>>>> How can I run gimp from python using subprocess ?
>>>> I would like to use several arguments, e.g.
>>>> gimp --batch-interpreter=plug-in-script-fu-eval -i -d -b 
>>>> '(script-autocrop "a.png")' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>                Nils
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>>>> SciPy-user mailing list
>>>> SciPy-user at scipy.org
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>>> ... don't know what Python version you are using but 
>>> recent releases (version 2.4 and later) include the 
>>> *subprocess* module.
>>> Questions of this sort are best posted to 
>>> *comp.lang.python*.
>> Thank you for your response.
>> I know how to import subprocess, but how do I deal with 
>> all the quotes in the argument list
>> of my gimp command ?
>> Nils
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>> SciPy-user mailing list
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> It is usually a good idea to (at a minimum) post:
>    *  a small script that demonstrates the error
>    * the exact text of the error the script triggers
>    * the version of Python you are using
>    * the OS you are using

Sure, I am using openSuSe 11.1 on x86_64 GNU/Linux, 
gimp --version
GNU Image Manipulation Program Version 2.6.2

The script script-autocrop.scm should be placed in in 

python -i autocrop.py

(gimp:8196): Gimp-Core-CRITICAL **: gimp_image_opened: 
assertion `GIMP_IS_GIMP (gimp)' failed
GIMP-Fehler: »/home/nwagner/)'« konnte nicht geöffnet 
werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

batch command executed successfully
batch command executed successfully

^CTraceback (most recent call last):
   File "autocrop.py", line 6, in <module>
     assert subprocess.call(cmd)==0, 'Error in cmd: %s' % 
cmd # Returncode should be zero
gimp: terminated: Unterbrechung
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 444, in 
     return Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs).wait()
   File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/subprocess.py", line 1137, 
in wait
     pid, sts = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0)
/usr/lib64/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/script-fu terminated: 

Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden means file or 
directory missing

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