[SciPy-user] build trouble

Mark Mahabir mark.mahabir at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 07:19:07 EDT 2009

2009/6/18 David Cournapeau <david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp>:
> Mark Mahabir wrote:
>> I'm trying to build SciPy on a Scientific Linux system running 4.7
>> with Python 2.5.1 (installed separately from the system default Python
>> 2.3.4) unsuccessfully thus far.
>> I've attached an install.log file. Every other package installed OK as
>> far as I know, including ATLAS and NumPy.
> For some reason, the Include path of python relatively to the python
> *sources* are included (the /usr/local/Python-2.5.1/Include), and that
> should never happen. Are you executing the installed python (in
> /usr/local/bin it seems), or the built python in the python source tree
> ? If the later, that's where the error is coming from. Otherwise, we
> would need more information I think (the exact steps to install python,
> etc...).

I'm doing an

alias python /usr/local/Python-2.5.1/python

and then running that version.

> Doesn't scientific linux has rpms for python 2.4 at least ? I strongly
> advise to use the system python if you want to avoid trouble,

It probably does, but my users need a version greater than 2.5,
unfortunately. It'll be a month or two away before I can migrate those
users to a newer operating system.


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