[SciPy-User] optical ray tracing

Stef Mientki s.mientki at ru.nl
Mon Jul 27 18:29:07 EDT 2009

Elliot Hallmark wrote:
> howdy,
> I'm looking to do some raytracing for a nonimaging design and there
> are no opensource packages that address the geometry needed.  Scipy
> seems like a good package to become familiar with anyway (I miss
> mathematica now that i'm no longer a university student), but i was
> wondering if anyone has already done some optical ray tracing work in
> scipy that i could build off of.
> Wouldn't be to hard to do from scratch, but my focus is on the design
> and the fewer excursions into building new tools the better.
This might be interesting

I'ld love to integrate this in PyLab_Works,
so the optical system can be manipulated both through interacting with 
the graphical window and by code.
I tried to connect the guy, but he doesn't respond.


> thanks,
> elliot
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