[SciPy-user] scikits.timeseries: unable to stack timeseries with different number of columns

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 17:21:22 EDT 2009

On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:53 AM, Dharhas Pothina wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to loop through a set of timeseries objects and add each  
> timeseries to a single timeseries using ts.stack(). I'm getting the  
> following error:

That's a bug all right. stack was initially intended for 1D series,  
not 2D ones. I'll check what I can do.

Meanwhile, you could:
* make sure that your series are compatible: same frequency, same  
starting and endings dates, same intervals between the dates
* stack the series using ma.column_stack : that gives you a masked array
* view the output as a TimeSeries, and set its dates to the dates of  
the input.

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