[SciPy-user] accuracy of stats.gamma.pdf

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Jan 29 07:52:37 EST 2009

Thu, 29 Jan 2009 10:48:01 +0100, Nicolas Chopin wrote:

> Dear list,
> when I compute:
> stats.gamma.pdf(5.,2.,5.)
> I get:
> array([0.])
> whereas the same command in R outputs:
>  > dgamma(5.,2.,5.)
> [1] 1.735993e-09

Reading help(dgamma) in R, and help(scipy.stats.gamma.pdf) reveals the 

In R, the third parameter to dgamma is the rate parameter. In Scipy, the 
third parameter is the location parameter, ie.

    scipy.stats.gamma.pdf(x, a, mu) == dgamma(x - mu, a)

It appears that scipy.stats.gamma doesn't have a scale parameter.

Pauli Virtanen

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