[SciPy-user] audiolab Problem

Georg Holzmann grh at mur.at
Wed Feb 4 15:04:42 EST 2009

Hallo David!

I have a problem with using the scikits.audiolab package (from svn) on 
latest ubuntu (python 2.5.2, numpy 1.1.1).

When I want to import the module I get the following error:
     import scikits.audiolab
   File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scikits/audiolab/__init__.py", 
line 37, in <module>
     from numpy.testing import Tester
ImportError: cannot import name Tester

At least in my numpy version there is no Tester class in numpy.testing.
Ok, so I just removed this line in the __init__ file ...

However, I wanted to run the tests, because you wrote on the audiolab 
website, that there can be a nasty bug with integers which corrupts the 
audio ...
But when I try to run the tests I get the next errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "test_matapi.py", line 22, in <module>
     class test_audiolab(TestCase):
NameError: name 'TestCase' is not defined

And there are a few more ...

Do you have a clue whats the problem ?
In my numpy version the test cases have a different name ...
Or do I need to run these tests on latest Ubuntu - is the integer bug 
still a problem ?

Thanks for any hints !

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