[SciPy-User] [build] visual studio 2008 and intel fortran 11.1 compiler

Eloi Gaudry eg at fft.be
Wed Dec 16 03:21:33 EST 2009

David Cournapeau wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Eloi Gaudry <eg at fft.be> wrote
>> thanks for this advise.
>> Can I use numscons to build scipy-0.7.1 and numpy-1.3.0 or should I use
>> their current svn version ?
> You should use the svn version. Numpy 1.3.0 can be built under VS 2008
> 64 bits, but scipy 0.7.1 cannot (because of fortran, mostly), and svn
> scipy requires svn numpy. For numpy, you should use the 1.4.x branch,
> this one is the stable one for now.
I cannot afford to use the current svn (i.e. non-release) versions, but 
I will switch to numscons when the next releases will be made. An 
alternative to distutils is a good thing, especially if it's easily 
maintainable and configurable (i.e. adding support for newer compilers 
or changing whatever compilers flags, macro, etc. should be something easy).
>> Another question, using numscons to build scipy implicitly means that
>> numpy should have been built using numscons too (cf. compilers options
>> that might be different, etc.) ?
> It is not strictly required, but that's strongly recommended, in part
> for the reasons you mentioned. There is no advantage in using
> distutils to build compared to numscons if your toolchain is supported
> that I can see anyway,
Does this means that all future versions of numpy and scipy will be 
built (default behavior) using numscons ?
> cheers,
> David
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Thanks for your help David,

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