[SciPy-User] loadmat/savemat sparse with umfpack problem

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 17:31:13 EST 2009


>> There's a very general fix in trunk r6141 - could you check whether it
>> solves your problem with sparse?
> Yep that seems to have done it. Can spsolve saved/loaded sparse with
> umfpack and writeable flag is set. Thanks a lot for the speedy fix!

No problem - I did a huge refactor in the loading routines, and I was
expecting some new bugs, thanks for tracking it down.

> Presumably it was something in the loading rather than saving routine
> so previously saved files will load correctly?

Yes - I had previously been copying all the loaded arrays, but now I
am returning them directly, and I hadn't noticed that np.ndarray
constructed arrays are writeable -> False by default.



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