[SciPy-User] Problem with scipy.special.chebyt

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sun Aug 30 14:45:08 EDT 2009

On 2009-08-30, Ivo Maljevic <ivo.maljevic at gmail.com> wrote:
> Pauli, Whatever the case is, I would suggest you to consider using
> scipy.linalg eigenvalue function inside scipy.special. I see no point
> in using numpy.dual version of it. They are clearly differently implemented,
> and scipy's eig function solves the problem even in these distributions, and
> moves the problem from scipy to numpy.

I believe the original intent in using numpy.dual at all was here 
to avoid coupling between different scipy submodules (see r2920 
-- it's pretty explicit). How desirable this is is then a 
different question.

Anyway, the right fix is to track down why numpy.linalg.eig fails 
on Mandrake/Opensuse.

Pauli Virtanen

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