[SciPy-User] Installation checklist for SciPy tutorials

Ondrej Certik ondrej at certik.cz
Sun Aug 9 21:31:48 EDT 2009

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Dav Clark<dav at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hey Fernando (and Ondrej and...),
> I ran the adv_tut... script in EPD 4.3.0, and during the sympy test, it
> drops into pdb.  I'm guessing this is because you're using the --pdb option
> in the argv to nose.runmodule, and so when you raise an exception, you drop
> the user into pdb.  Have a look at the transcript below... I think you'll
> agree that this output is pretty cryptic!
> I'm running EPD 4.3.0, which the advanced tutorial (by Ondrej Certik) says
> is OK for sympy (even though it's not the "required" sympy version - I'm
> guessing there are some downstream fixes to the "0.6.2" version in EPD?).

sympy 0.6.4 would be better, but the version in EPD is ok for most of
the tutorial too.


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